Statistically speaking, most couples take about 4 years before deciding to get a divorce. Before that decision is made, a couple can go through a period of separation and reconciliation. Upon the completion of the reconciliation period, you can make a decision whether to continue the relationship.



Couples who are no longer living together under the same roof; living apart, may also be considered as part of the trial separation process. It enables them to stay at separate dwellings.


When a couple decides to live apart for some time, it‘s the time to reconsider whether to get back together or push through divorce. It is an informal agreement for a specific period of time.


Without prior notice, one of the partners decides to leave and end the marriage. No negotiations are made and no agreements whatsoever! It leaves a very confused partner with many unanswered questions.


Controlled separation involves a mediator to control and guide the situation for avoiding a divorce. The mediator is usually a therapist.


The couples have given up on any form of reconciliation and are beginning to leave the marriage. This may happen after a trial separation and often proceeds to legal separation.


Couples sign the divorce papers and decide that they no longer wish to stay married. At this point, both partners are free to re-marry.


Love is one of the many reasons why people get married. Love is a beautiful thing; and anything wonderful is worth saving. This is why couples undergo a separation period to attempt to save the relationship. Divorce is the end of marriage; and once decided, there’s no going back.

Before making a decision on ending your marriage, it’s always best to try every possible approach and take necessary measures for saving your marriage. When it works, marriage is one of the most powerful relationships. It is also a source of love, support, and acceptance. That’s why marriage is always worth saving to rediscover the love and affection. A couple’s therapist can help you make that decision with its professional divorce counselling services.

Separation and divorce are never easy. It usually brings tremendous grief. Breaking-up is never a solution but it is a choice. Divorce therapy is always focused on saving the relationship. No need to hesitate, no need to waste a single moment; it is time to seek expert help to get therapy for divorced couples. Remember, it is always better to rediscover love in a relationship than ending the same.

Did you know? It mainly affects the kids in the case of couples with children. If you are confused and found it hard to make a decision, get help from the experts of Winnipeg Couples Clinic. Our professional therapy for divorced parents is well-designed and effective. We provide unbiased solutions such that you will get to know the pros and cons of divorce and legal separation.